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 The High School Placement Test (HSPT): A Crucial Step Towards Catholic High School Admissions

Understanding the HSPT

The HSPT is a standardized entrance examination used by many Catholic high schools. Administered by Scholastic Testing Service, Inc., the test helps to assess the abilities of incoming 8th graders, aiding schools in decisions about admissions, scholarship allocation, and course placement.

 Test Format

The HSPT consists of approximately 300 multiple•choice questions divided into five sections: Verbal Skills, Quantitative Skills, Reading, Mathematics, and Language. Some schools may also include optional sections for Science, Mechanical Aptitude, and Catholic Religion.

 Different Versions

The HSPT is offered in two versions: open and closed. The open version allows a student’s scores to be sent to multiple schools, while the closed version sends scores to only one school.

 Test Preparation

Preparation is key to perform well on the HSPT. Review materials, including practice tests, are available through various online resources. In•person or online tutoring can also be beneficial. Preparation should focus not just on academic knowledge but also on test•taking strategies.

 Score Reporting

HSPT scores are reported as percentiles, stanines, and grade equivalents. Additionally, a cognitive skills quotient (CSQ) and a composite national percentile rank are calculated.

In summary, when it comes to understanding the HSPT:

• The HSPT is a standardized entrance exam used by many Catholic high schools.

• The test format includes five main sections, with some schools including additional optional sections.

• The HSPT comes in two versions: open and closed, allowing for scores to be sent to multiple schools or a single school, respectively.

• Adequate preparation, including academic review and test•taking strategy, can enhance a student’s performance on the test.

• HSPT scores are reported in various formats, including percentiles, stanines, and grade equivalents.

The HSPT is a critical aspect of the application process for many Catholic high schools. A solid understanding of the test and good preparation can help students perform their best and increase their chances of success in the admissions process.

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