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SSAT Middle Level

Welcome to the SSAT Diagnostic Test. This Test Innovators crafted assessment is designed to pinpoint your strong and weak areas, which allows us to pair you with an instructor best suited to your needs. Your designated instructor will use your strengths to help you improve in areas where you may be struggling. If you need a closer look at any images during the test, simply click on them to zoom in or out. We recommend keeping accurate time as you would in an actual exam setting. If you come across a question you're unsure of, it's best to leave it blank; this helps your instructor focus on the exact topics that need further review. Should you run into any issues or suspect any errors, kindly flag and report them to us. Thank you for choosing Private School Path for your educational journey. We're here to assist you at any time, so please feel free to reach out with any questions.

1 / 149

If three times a number is 9, what is the number?

2 / 149

If three dozen slices of pizza are divided equally among 36 people at a birthday party, how many slices will each person have?

3 / 149

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 6?

4 / 149

19 + 31+ 11 is closest to

5 / 149

1/4, 2/8, 3/12, 4/x, ...

In the number pattern above, x = ?

6 / 149

Aaron received 𝑥 tickets to a concert and divided them equally among himself and his four friends. Which of the following expressions shows the number of tickets that each person received?

7 / 149

Caroline had a one hour nap, and then slept for seven hours. What fraction of the full day was Caroline asleep?

8 / 149

If x=2 and y-19, then xy=

9 / 149

Nathan reads four books in the fall and two books in the winter. In the summer, he reads twice the number of books he reads in the fall. In the spring, he reads half the number of books he reads in the fall. If he continues to read at the same rate, how many books will he read in two full years?

10 / 149

11 / 149

The cost of go-karting is 𝑆 dollars for the first ten laps around the track and 𝑇 dollars for each additional lap. What is the cost, in dollars, of go-karting for 17 laps?

12 / 149

13 / 149

If 40 percent of a number is 200, then 10 percent of the same number is

14 / 149

15 / 149

In 2006, the employee of the year sold 36 televisions. In 2006, Jack’s television sales were what fraction of the employee of the year’s sales?

16 / 149

A safari company offers group tours that cost $100 for two people and $20 more for each additional person. If five people share the cost of the tour equally, how much does each person pay?

17 / 149

498.57 =

18 / 149

19 / 149

There were 17 sunny days this year, which was 18 fewer than last year. Two years ago, there were three times as many sunny days as there were this year. How many total sunny days were there in all three years?

20 / 149

How many fifths are there in 5 2/5?

21 / 149

The Smith family has four children. Matt is 5 years older than Kim. Kim is half Kyle’s age. Meg is older than Kyle, but not Matt. Who is the second youngest child?

22 / 149

23 / 149

Patrick started at point A. He traveled 2 km north, 2 km east, 2 km south, and 3 km west. How far is he from where he started?

24 / 149

If ∎𝑥 = 𝑥^3 + 2, what is the value of ∎2?

25 / 149

The sum of three consecutive odd numbers is 171. What is the largest number?

26 / 149

Why did the orbit of Uranus pose a problem for early 19th century scientists?

27 / 149

The author’s main purpose in this passage is to

28 / 149

According to the passage, John Adams Couch and Urbain Jean-Joseph Le Verrier believed that

29 / 149

Based on the context of the passage, “botched” (line 7) most nearly means

30 / 149

After the discovery of Neptune, scientists were aware of how many planets in total in our solar system?

31 / 149

In lines 1-2, the princess offered clothing and jewelry to the frog because

32 / 149

What best explains why the princess didn’t stay to play with the frog?

33 / 149

The princess’s actions could best be described as

34 / 149

Based on the context of the passage, what is the most likely meaning of “hastening” (line 14)?

35 / 149

According to the passage, the benefits of clothing swaps include
I. saving money
II. raising money for local charities
III. making new friends

36 / 149

The author’s main purpose in this passage is to

37 / 149

According to the passage, the organizers of Washington-area clothing swaps used social media to

38 / 149

Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

39 / 149

This passage would most likely be found in

40 / 149

The author’s attitude toward the ocean could best be described as

41 / 149

According to the passage, the “abyssal plain” (line 7) most likely refers to

42 / 149

The author lists which of the following animals as examples of life in the abyssal plain?

I. Fish

II. Whales

III. Mollusks

43 / 149

When the author says “more people have been to space than have been to the abyssal plain” (lines 15-16), she is suggesting that

44 / 149

Which sentence best summarizes the author’s main idea in this passage?

45 / 149

The author suggests that life in the ocean is

46 / 149

According to the passage, the garden was not maintained because

47 / 149

The mood of the passage could best be described as

48 / 149

When the author says “the garden was a garden no more” (line 10), he most likely means that

49 / 149

Based on the context of the passage, the “cherubs” (line 11) are most likely

50 / 149

What would be the best title for this passage?

51 / 149

The main subject of this passage is

52 / 149

According to the passage, when was the first turkey officially pardoned by an American President?

53 / 149

The best title for the passage would be

54 / 149

According to the passage, how were Presidential Thanksgivings different before Presidents began pardoning turkeys?

55 / 149

What can be inferred from the reaction to President Reagan’s joke about “pardoning” a turkey in 1987?

56 / 149

Based on the context of the passage, John originally wanted to get into the water because

57 / 149

According to lines 7-8, why did John decide to swim back to the surface?

58 / 149

The tone of the second paragraph could best be described as

59 / 149

Which of the following statements best matches the main idea of the story?

60 / 149

According to the passage, the poor citizens of 18th century France faced which of the following problems involving bread?

61 / 149

Based on the context of the passage, the word “Dauphin” (line 8) most likely means

62 / 149

The author’s main purpose in this passage is to

63 / 149

According to the passage, why did people tend to believe the story about Marie Antoinette?

64 / 149

Which of the following does the author offer as a reason not to believe the story about Marie Antoinette?

65 / 149

According to the passage, good stories

66 / 149


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94 / 149


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96 / 149

Deer is to forest as

97 / 149

Pianist is to hands as

98 / 149

Pound is to weight as

99 / 149

Pencil is to writing as

100 / 149

Faucet is to water as

101 / 149

Arboretum is to garden as

102 / 149

Solitary is to hermit as

103 / 149

Abdicate is to monarch as

104 / 149

Sculpture is to art as

105 / 149

Trustworthy is to friend as

106 / 149

Novel is to poem as

107 / 149

Pious is to belief as

108 / 149

Mammal is to human as

109 / 149

Telephone is to communication as

110 / 149

Physics is to science as calculus is to

111 / 149

Jousting is to lance as

112 / 149

Tallow is to fat as leather is to

113 / 149

Mitigate is to harm as

114 / 149

Yawn is to sleepy as fidget is to

115 / 149

Website is to internet as

116 / 149

Drought is to water as

117 / 149

Persuasive is to argument as

118 / 149

Remorseful is to unrepentant as

119 / 149

High school is to college as

120 / 149

Dilate is to contract as

121 / 149

Collusion is to cooperation as

122 / 149

Plausible is to incredible as

123 / 149

Annoyed is to furious as

124 / 149

Navigate is to destination as

125 / 149

If 𝐽 −10 = 9 , then 𝐽 − 11 =

126 / 149

If 5 out of 20 students in a class wear glasses, what
percentage of the students wear glasses?

127 / 149

Mr. Taylor has a budget of $100.00 to buy sketch books.

What is the greatest number of sketch books he can buy if the sketch books cost $7.00 each?

128 / 149

If 250 + x −1 = 350 , what does "x" equal?

129 / 149

Meg goes for a run 3 times per week, and she runs for an average of 27 minutes each time. On average, how long does Meg run each week?

130 / 149

Colleen’s stock had a value of x dollars at the beginning of the week. During the week, her stock went up 1 dollar, and then dropped 3 dollars. At the end of the week, Colleen’s stock was equal to

131 / 149

If a shirt on sale for 50% off costs $15.00, the original price of the shirt was

132 / 149

If 𝑗 is 3 times ℎ, then ℎ must be

133 / 149

What is the average amount the baseball team raised per quarter?

134 / 149

In total, how much money did all three teams raise during the fourth quarter?

135 / 149

If two times a number is greater than 7, then the number could be all of the following EXCEPT

136 / 149

12 x (2/12 - 1/4) =

137 / 149

Over all four quarters, the total funds raised by the basketball team were what fraction of the total funds raised by the hockey team?

138 / 149

Emily is eating her colored candies in the following pattern: one green, one blue, one red, one orange, one brown, one green, and so on. If this pattern continues, the 27th candy that she eats will be

139 / 149

If 6+ (𝐽 × 8) = 11 , then 𝐽 =

140 / 149

In Figure 2, each of the polygon’s sides has a length of 𝑥. Which expression represents the perimeter of the polygon?

141 / 149

Which of the following is closest to 1/2?

142 / 149

143 / 149

A pastry chef can bake 200 cupcakes every 50 minutes. At that rate, how long will it take the chef to bake 768 cupcakes?

144 / 149

For any integer A, which of the following expressions has the greatest value?

145 / 149

If 5𝑥 + 25 is less than 27, then 𝑥 could equal

146 / 149

In Figure 3, EFGH is a square. What is the area of the UNSHADED region?

147 / 149

David and John raised money during an 8-hour telethon to support cancer research.

David raised $150.00 per hour for the first two hours, and then $80.00 per hour for the remaining six hours.

John raised $170.00 per hour for the first three hours, and then $75.00 per hour for the remaining five hours.

What is the difference between the amount of money raised by David and John?

148 / 149

The perimeter of a rectangle is 30 inches. If the length of the rectangle is 12 inches, then the width of the rectangle is

149 / 149

The average test score of three students in a class is 81 points. If one student’s score goes up by 2 points, one student’s score goes up by 4 points, and the other student’s score remains the same, what will be the new average test score of the three students?

Your score is


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